What Are Aquarium Air Stones, and Does Your Tank Need One?

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What Are Aquarium Air Stones, and Does Your Tank Need One?

Disturbing surface tension and promoting gas exchange to help facilitate oxygenation is a critical part of keeping your fish and their environment in balance. And if you’ve ever researched how to improve oxygenation in your aquarium, you may have come across what’s known as an air stone. But what are air stones? How do they work? And does your tank need one?

What Are Air Stones?

Air stones, also known as aquarium bubblers, sit in your tank and gently diffuses air into the aquarium water. These stones are made from lime wood or other porous stones with the intention of distributing air without creating large air bubbles that your fish might struggle to get through. The coarser the stone, the larger the bubbles, so when you choose an air stone, keep in mind the size of your fish and what they can handle.

What Do Air Stones Do, and What Are Their Benefits?

The bubbles an air stone produces help fill the tank with water as well as circulate the water. This means that the water—even the water at the bottom of the tank near the substrates—is constantly moving. Air stones promote gas exchange, meaning that any unwanted gases are transported by the bubble to the surface of the water and are disposed of.

Additionally, air stones are great for small tanks where fish may not have enough room to swim around as increased circulation means they need to exert more energy to swim. And the circulation that these air stones produce helps prevent waste build-up, which can cause common aquarium diseases such as Rust Disease or Fin Rot.

Who Needs To Use Air Stones?

While not everyone has to have an air stone in their aquarium, it’s easy to see that they have many benefits. If you’re struggling to promote gas exchange, maintain oxygen levels, or increase water circulation, you may want to consider using an air stone. However, it is important to note that air stones are not efficient in large aquariums, especially if said aquarium has a high waste load. For larger aquariums that need a lot of movement, wave makers are probably your best option.

Now that you know what air stones are and whether your tank needs one, you’re better equipped to build the environment your fish need to thrive and be healthy. Just remember to watch your fish whenever you add a new air stone to make sure they’re not struggling to pass through the bubbles and become lethargic. If this happens, you’ll simply need a finer stone to make smaller bubbles.

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