Foods You Should Avoid To Protect Your Teeth

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Foods You Should Avoid To Protect Your Teeth

It’s no secret that your diet affects the health of your teeth. Not only can certain foods and drinks lead to tooth decay and gum disease, but some can also cause discoloration and other cosmetic issues. While you may already be aware of the foods that are good for your teeth, it’s just as important to know which ones to avoid. These are some common foods you should avoid if you want to protect your teeth in the long run.

Sugary Treats and Drinks

Sugary treats like candy and drinks like soda are the most obvious culprits when it comes to damaging your teeth. When you consume sugar, it feeds the bacteria in your mouth, resulting in the production of acid that eats away at your enamel. If you want to indulge in sugary treats, try to do so in moderation and follow up with a glass of water to rinse your mouth. It also wouldn’t hurt to brush your teeth afterward to remove any lingering sugar.

Acidic Foods and Beverages

Citrus, seafood, tomatoes, certain cheeses, and sports drinks with electrolytes contain a lot of acidic compounds that can also erode your teeth. The acid in these foods can wear down your enamel and cause tooth sensitivity and decay. To minimize the damage, consume these foods in moderation and drink plenty of water to help neutralize the acid in your mouth.

Sticky Snacks

Sticky snacks like dried fruit, gummy bears, and caramel can be especially damaging to your teeth because they tend to linger in your mouth. The longer a food stays in contact with your teeth, the more opportunity bacteria have to produce acid and damage your enamel. If you must indulge in sticky snacks, brush and floss afterward to remove any lingering pieces.

Starchy Foods

Starchy snacks are a less obvious food to avoid if you want to protect your teeth. Foods like bread, chips, and crackers may seem harmless, but they can actually break down into sugars in your mouth, leading to tooth decay. Additionally, these foods tend to get stuck in the crevices of your teeth, providing a breeding ground for bacteria.


Finally, alcohol is another culprit that can harm your teeth. Alcohol can dry out your mouth, leading to a decrease in saliva and an increase in bacteria. Plus, it can erode your enamel. If you want to avoid deciding on a teeth whitening procedure in the future, you’ll also want to avoid alcohol like red wine that can stain your teeth with regular consumption.

Your diet plays a significant role in oral health. By avoiding these kinds of food and drink, you can protect your teeth and prevent issues like decay, sensitivity, and discoloration. It’s fine to enjoy these foods in moderation as long as you take the time to protect your teeth once you’re finished eating.

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