Top Mistakes Firefighters Must Avoid in the Line of Duty

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Top Mistakes Firefighters Must Avoid in the Line of Duty

Being a firefighter is a rewarding career that comes with its challenges. Working in the line of duty as a firefighter isn’t only about putting out fires; it also involves saving lives. Yet, between the job duties, there are chances of making mistakes that have serious consequences. As a rookie firefighter, it’s crucial to learn and be aware of what firefighters do wrong on the job. Here is a glimpse into the top mistakes firefighters must avoid in the line of duty.

Poor Situational Awareness

Situational awareness is the ability to pay attention to what is happening around you in the present moment. Firefighters must constantly be aware of their surroundings, gauge the risk, and prioritize the first action. You could risk putting others or yourself in harm’s way if you aren’t situationally aware.

Failure To Follow Standard Operating Procedures

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are guidelines on how firefighters should respond to emergency situations. These outlined procedures and protocols are the backbone of firefighting; they guide every worker in responding to every emergency safely. Failure to follow SOPs could cost your safety and the safety of others around you. So, before responding to any situation, refer to SOPs guidelines and protocols.

Not Having a Plan in Place

Firefighters always have a plan in place, even when they aren’t on the front line. Workers must keep organized and know how to think quickly on their feet. A rookie firefighter’s training teaches them the difference between reacting and responding to an emergency and the first steps to take when answering a call.

A successful firefighter always has a plan, even when they aren’t working. Collaborate with your team on strategic planning, timely decision-making, and appropriate resource allocation. Developing a plan ensures smooth and efficient rescue operations.

Improper use of equipment

Manufacturers designed firefighting equipment to be highly effective, but only if used and taken care of properly. Improper use of equipment can lead to injuries and accidents, as well as damage to property and the environment. And not knowing the signs of damaged equipment could also be a huge mistake; broken or damaged gear prevents you from being able to work.

Always ensure you and your team are using equipment correctly and following best practices regarding inspection procedures, such as looking for signs it’s time to replace your fire helmet. Learning to use and inspect equipment properly will save you from sustaining injuries while working.

To quote Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility,” and as a firefighter, you need to live according to that motto. While firefighting is a noble job, it comes with days where you must take responsibility for your actions. At the end of the day, you are your own judge. Reflect on the common mistakes firefighters make, and continue to train, practice, and gain knowledge to ensure you provide the best support and save more lives. Stay vigilant, know your equipment, and stay safe.

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