Crockett County Chamber Director Charlie Moore has resigned from her position to spend more time with her family.
In a letter to the Crockett County Chamber Board of Directors on June 15, Moore said, “It is with a heavy heart that I give you my resignation letter for my position as Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce. I feel that I have come to a time in my life that I cannot fulfill my expectations for myself in my position as director. When hired, I said that I would give 110 percent to the Chamber of Commerce and my position and I feel that I have done that for the last six years. God has blessed me once again with a miracle five months ago that is my child Jeb and I know I cannot continue to give the 110 percent and give him the attention and care he will need. I also stated to the board when I was hired that when the day comes that I feel someone else could do a better job and give more to this position than myself, I would willingly step down.”
Moore has helped many business, organizations, individuals and local government during her time as director. She has played a major role in building relationships with the community and helped locate grants and funding that has helped grow the community in many ways.
“I want each of you to know it has been an honor to represent the Chamber and Crockett County for the past six years and I will continue to aid in the transition of the new director,” Moore continued in her letter. “I want to thank each of you for your service to this county and the chamber and for giving me the freedom to take your vision and run with it. Crocket County has a Select Tennessee Site, new industry and new retail starting so we are on track and need someone that has passion for our county to maintain this push. I would like to volunteer and maintain a consulting role to aid in Economic Development.”
Moore is a Crockett County native who has used her role as director to better the community in every way she could.
“If it weren’t for Charlie Moore, we wouldn’t have the Bells Theatre that we have,” said Sarah Conley. “It’s not because of the grants that she wrote, it’s because of the relationships she had with the people to whom she was writing the grants. She is so genuine and so good hearted. It’s always about the county. It’s never about Charlie, what she has accomplished or what she’s done. It’s always about, figuring out what is best for this county, what we can get for this county and she’s always looking for opportunities to grow Crockett County. I’m so thankful that I was able to work with Charlie and she was there. It was a God thing that Charlie was in the position that she was in, with the relationships that she has with people in the state that got us the Bells Theatre. She’s not done yet and always looking for the best for our county. She is just an amazing young woman and we are blessed to have her in this county.”
Moore has helped Crockett remain a three star county and organized leadership and youth leadership classes. She always promotes shopping local in Crockett and promote tourism within the county.
According to Moore, “Economic Development doesn’t happen over night and it is always a team effort with the county commission, cities, Chamber, utility providers, business owners and community members. The ground work from previous chamber directors also aids any all future Economic Development.”
She’s been supportive of health initiatives like Walking Wednesdays in the summer and litter prevention initiatives that add to Economic Development.
“Charlie has been very good for Crockett and has been an excellent asset as the Chamber Director,” said Crockett County Mayor Gary Reasons. “The Mayors office has had a very strong working relationship with the chamber. We hope to have someone soon to continue the progress that Charlie has influenced in Crockett.”
Moore has enjoyed her time with the community and said, “I do not feel like it was a job even though it was the hardest job I have ever had but one of the most rewarding.