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Eagle Scout project revitalizes local fire station


Despite the rain, boy scouts from Alamo Troop 53 helped their fellow scout, Wesley Franks, complete his eagle scout project over the weekend.

Wesleys’ father, Cliff Franks, is a volunteer fire fighter with the Frog Jump fire department which has allowed for Wesley to spend time around the fire station.

In his time there, he noticed a few things that could use improvements to revitalize the station and began thinking of a plan approximately a year ago.

Wesley raised money to fund the revitalization through selling smoked Boston butts that he worked to smoke himself with assistance from scout leaders.

“I appreciate everyone who purchased Boston butts to help fund my project,” said Wesley.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27, the scouts braved the rain and cold weather to help Wesley complete his vision.

Many learned how to mix concreate for the first time as they built a platform and installed a new flag pole and flag at the front of the building, they cleaned and organized the inside of the fire station office, cleaned the station garage, pressure washed the building, installed lighting on top of the building and installed a new flower bed around the building.

“I learned a lot about project planning and unexpected conditions and circumstances that can arise while completing a project,” said Wesley.

While Wesley’s original vision was to spotlight the flag at the Frog Jump fire station, he went the extra mile to give the station a new look.

Wesley will have his final review to become an Eagle Scout and celebrate with a ceremony before the end of this year.